About Us
At Yuma Union High School District we recognize the importance of the high school years to each student's future success. Our teachers, staff, administration, and local community dedicate themselves to helping each of our district's students achieve their potential by laying a foundation that they will build on throughout their lives and help prepare them for college, career and community upon graduation.
Our Core Beliefs
All students come first
All students can learn
Learning is a lifelong pursuit for all people
We believe in a safe, secure, and productive climate to work and learn
The family is vital to educational success
Education is the responsibility of students, teachers, staff, parents, and community
A joint partnership among family, schools, and community is critical to the educational success of all students
Communication is essential
Students should be productive members of society today and tomorrow
We believe in respect, honesty, integrity and individual dignity for all people
A sound educational system is necessary for a prosperous society
All students are individuals, have individual needs, and require individual educational choices
Everyone must be challenged to meet individual potentials
Everyone is responsible and accountable for individual actions in equal educational opportunities