Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes in a semester. The primary responsibility for school attendance rests in the parents and students. Students need to be in attendance on a daily basis to receive credit. Lectures, class discussions, guided practice, student participation and teacher follow-up are essential. The grade earned is based upon the successful achievement of course objectives as defined by the district and determined by the instructor. A credit is earned upon successful achievement of course work with a passing grade and regular attendance each semester.
In order to realize the high school educational experience to its fullest and receive credit for their efforts, Yuma Union High School District students are expected to attend all classes. Since absences occur even for the most diligent of students, an attendance policy is required. The primary responsibility for student attendance rests with parents and students.
There is no substitute for actual attendance. Lectures, exercises, academic activities, tests, student discussions, media presentations, lab work and teacher assistance are each vital to academic success and learning. Successful completion of coursework in Yuma Union High School District is twofold: the student must meet academic standards and exhibit consistent attendance. Consistent attendance is defined as fewer than five absences in any class during a semester and will be adjusted appropriately for students on compressed semester schedules.
Since absences do occur, procedures are in place for parents to notify the school regarding student work/time and for students to makeup the absences which exceed five in any class during any semester. Parents are encouraged to call the attendance office. A phone call or note does not absolve the student of the responsibility to make up the absence once the absences exceed five.
Health problems, which cause absences beyond the five per class, per semester, require medical certification. Acceptable documentation includes:
- A medical doctor's note or an office visit receipt
- An orthodontist/dentist's note or office visit receipt
- Absences excused through the school health office
- Chronic illnesses (chronic illness forms are available through the school nurse. Students who have chronic illness forms on file must provide the nurse's office with appropriate documentation immediately upon returning to school, as well as notifying the attendance office.) Forms must be updated annually.
Medical certification should be turned in when the student returns to school. Upon administrative review of the documentation, a student may be excused from attendance make up requirements.
Other absences for which proof is required that may be waived include, but are not limited to:
- A death in family (newspaper obituary, funeral home card, death certificate, etc.)
- Court appearances (copy of court documents required)
- Military appointments (orders, travel forms)
- College visits/interviews (valid, dated proof of visit)
Absences in excess of the five-day limit in any class that will not be waived include, but are not limited to:
- Family vacations
- Illness without a doctor's visit documentation
- Religious exercise/instruction other than those approved in Board Policy
- Student employment
- Court dates when the student is the defendant, unless acquitted
- Transportation problems (except when the bus is late)
- Leaving school without proper permission (considered an unexcused absence or truancy)
- Hunting/fishing trips
Administrative reviews determine which absences may be excused or waived (in excess of five per class, per semester or in excess of three per class per quarter). These reviews follow the guidelines for excused absences stated above and may require an administrative conference.
Students are expected to be punctual. Campuses may use various techniques, to include (but not limited to) tardy sweeps, detentions and suspensions in order to minimize the number of students tardy to class. Time has been built into bell schedules to allow students ample time to pass to their next classroom site from any point on each campus within the designated passing period.
Parents of students attending a Title I school may request a review of the professional preparation and qualifications of their student's classroom teachers. Requests to review teacher qualifications can be made at the Federal Programs office.
Attendance Phone Numbers
(928) 502-5711
(928) 502-5712
Gila Ridge
(928) 502-6407
(928) 502-6408
(928) 502-5361
(928) 502-5362
San Luis
(928) 502-6071
(928) 502-6079
(928) 502-3876
(928) 502-6801
(928) 502-5026