PASS Program
- Overview
- Steps to Getting Started
- Enrollment FAQ
- PASS Course List
- PASS Course Descriptions
- PASS State Regulations
What is PASS?
P.A.S.S. (Portable Assisted Study Sequence) is a nationally recognized program. In response to the educational needs of secondary migrant youth throughout Arizona, the Yuma Union High School District was selected by the Arizona Department of Education Migrant Division to house the state’s P.A.S.S. Program. The P.A.S.S. packets are similar to correspondence courses and are completed outside the regular school program. The primary objective of the P.A.S.S. Program is to enable credit deficient migrant and non-migrant students to accumulate credits toward graduation from specially designed competencybased courses that are aligned to Arizona academic standards. Also, we can offer Credit Advancement for a total of two (2) credits. Students can earn one-half (½) credit for each correspondence course. A lifetime maximum of four (4) retrieval credits may be earned through the program. The Arizona Migrant P.A.S.S. Program is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
What is the Migrant Education Program (MEP)?
The Migrant Education Program (MEP) is a federally funded program that strives to support students who (or whose parents) work in certain seasonal and temporary jobs in the agricultural and fishing industries. Often as a result of these types of jobs, students may move multiple times each year, attending different schools. These frequent moves may make it difficult for students to keep up with their school work. If you think you might be eligible for the MEP, please speak with someone at your school about it or contact us.
Who needs PASS?
The children of migrant workers are among the most educationally disadvantaged youth in our school today. Many migrant students attend two or more different schools each year due to traveling for agricultural work with their families. For secondary migrant students, the problems are compounded by the need to accrue high school credits. The P.A.S.S. Program is a statewide high school correspondence program for students in grades 9 – 12. The program is designed to assist migrant and non-migrant students throughout Arizona to take needed courses by correspondence; keeping them on track for graduation and assisting them to pick up deficient courses so they can graduate with their class or take an advancement course for an early graduation. The P.A.S.S. Program fits the lifestyle of the migrant student and can increase the number of students who graduate from high school. Although teacher tutoring and feedback are encouraged, the courses are sequenced in such a manner that the student normally needs little or no teacher instruction. Students must have the basic skills to read and write English at the 7th grade level and must be able to complete educational assignments on their own without day-to-day supervision. The P.A.S.S. Program is not in competition, but supplemental to the regular high school program.
When is PASS NOT an appropriate placement?
P.A.S.S. may not be the appropriate placement for a particular student for various reasons. If the student has severe credit deficiencies making graduation an unrealistic goal, lack of sufficient proficiency in English and also lack the ability to work semi-independently. The person engaged in the assessment process should have other options to suggest and perhaps, facilitate.
What is the history of PASS?
P.A.S.S. originated in California in 1978 as part of the Secondary School Migrant Dropout Prevention Program. It was designed to allow migrant high school students to earn credits through completion of self-directed courses as they moved with their families from one school district to another. One school district issued the credits for all P.A.S.S. courses, a model that has been adopted by many other states. Migrant educators from other states soon learned of the California program and its success. Arkansas and Washington began using the program in 1981, Arizona and Oregon in 1983, and New York and Wisconsin in 1984. State and school districts adapted the program to meet the needs of students they served. P.A.S.S. is now used in approximately thirty states. More than forty courses are available.
What is the rationale for PASS?
Within P.A.S.S., a student works semi-independently with the availability of a mentor/instructor who meets with the student on a regular basis. The curriculum consists of learner-centered materials developed specifically for P.A.S.S. including current teaching techniques to assist the learner. Students can undertake courses at their own pace. Each P.A.S.S. semester course includes all necessary materials for course completion.
What is PASS Program philosophy?
The P.A.S.S. Program philosophy as it concerns the development and implementation of its curriculum is to help develop a positive student growth in attitude, knowledge, and skill. The program strives to move toward:
1. More individualized diagnosis and teaching.
2. More participation and creative activity on the part of the student.
3. Valuing and developing every student for his/her own unique potential.
4. A multicultural point of view that will build strength from diversity.
5. Effective utilization of appropriate new media and/or materials.
6. Evaluation that measures meaningful performances in life situations.
7. Allows for certain accommodations for the Limited English Proficient (LEP) student:
Materials are prepared for an independent reading level.
Instructional material is written for a reading level approximately two grades below the grade level of a course.
Students are not bound by traditional time constraints to complete material.
Program can allow for additional time for one-to-one instruction to help an LEP student master material.
8. Offering an alternative for students that are at risk of dropping out and to offer an alternative for students to excel at their own pace towards graduation.
Steps to Getting Started
1. A contact person from a local school site identifies a student to be served and completes a Needs Assessment Checklist for the student. A good needs assessment process will help the student avoid the problems of course duplication, enrollment in courses that do not fit graduation requirements, and enrollment in courses for which he/she lacks preparation.
2. The contact person completes the Enrollment Form with the student and then sends the (1) completed enrollment form with parent/ guardian signature (required for Yuma Union High School District #70) and (2) student transcript to the Arizona Migrant P.A.S.S Program at the Yuma Union High School District Office. All non-migrant students must include a money order or school district purchase order payable to the Arizona Migrant PASS Program with the completed enrollment form and the student transcript.
3. The PASS Program will then forward the requested courses to the listed contact person via UPS. Courses are never forwarded to the student.
4. Upon receipt of the course work packet, the contact person distributes the course to the student, unit by unit, leaving the remaining units in his/her classroom or office. The tests are to be kept in a secure environment accessible only by the contact person. The local contact person is responsible for arranging local tutoring if necessary.
5. When a unit is completed, the student’s achievement will be evaluated with the unit test. The local contact person will collect the unit work. The completed unit book shall be kept with the contact person until successful completion of the course. The contact person will then proctor the test to the student. The student should be provided with 1 hour 30 minutes in a quiet environment to complete the test. The student must complete the test individually. The unit test, scantron form (if applicable), scratch paper and several sharpened #2 pencils are the only allowable items in the testing area unless noted otherwise.
6. Once the contact person has completed the test the next unit may be distributed to the student.
7. The contact person then forwards the test to the Arizona Migrant PASS Program at the Yuma Union High School District office for scoring.
8. The PASS Program personnel will score the test and return the results to the contact person for review with the student. To maintain the integrity of the PASS system,tests will not be returned to the student. The completed test will be graded, the results posted to the student’s record, and then retained at the State PASS office for one school year.
9. When all units of a course are completed, a student transcript is sent from the PASS Program office to the registrar of the student’s home school. A copy of the final grade report will be sent to the contact person. The final semester grade (the average of all unit tests) must be at least 60% or above to receive credit. The student has ninety (90) days to dispute the final grade. All disputes must be in writing and submitted to the Arizona Migrant PASS Program at the Yuma Union High School District office.
10. Once the contact person receives the student’s final grade for the course he/she will destroy all completed unit books. They are not left in or returned to the student’s possession. All supplemental material belongs to the student.
11. A student who fails the course is eligible to re-enroll once in the course. Non-migrant students will be required to pay again.
12. A withdrawal from must be completed for all students withdrawing from the program. Payment will be forfeited for students withdrawing. (No refunds allowed)
Enrollment FAQ
Would I be able to first fax an enrollment form with proof of payment then send it through mail?
No faxed enrollments will be accepted. All enrolments need to be mailed.
Do you accept personal checks?
No personal checks are accepted. The forms of payment accepted by Arizona Migrant PASS are the following: cashier’s check, money order; School district or agency purchase order with COEStar # and QAD for qualified Migrant students.
Once an order has been placed, can it be shipped overnight?
No, all orders are shipped via UPS Ground unless the student has provided his/her own shipping method at their expense.
When will my package arrive?
Orders are filled and shipped within 1 business day of enrollment.
How long does it take to complete a PASS packet?
The student works at their own pace. They have ONE calendar year to complete the Packet.
Once a student has completed testing on their unit 1, do I wait to send all test units together?
Unit tests must be returned to the PASS office as they are completed. This will help us determine if the student is on track to receive credit for the course.
If a unit book is lost by the student, will the PASS office replace it?
No, we do not replace any lost materials.
Who grades the tests?
AZ PASS has HQ Certified Teachers in each subject grade tests.
How long will it take to receive test scores and how do we acquire them?
Please allow up to 5 business days for the PASS office to receive test results from Certified Graders. Once that is done, a grade report will be emailed to the designated contact person for the student.
Can a student retake a failed test?
Any of the failed unit tests can be retaken once. This does not apply to the Art Course.
If a student would like to retake all 5 units is there a charge?
Yes, there is a $25 charge. No additional materials will be provided.
If I have extra material from previous students, can they be reused?
All materials included in the course packet belong to the student. If students do not want to keep the materials, the materials should be returned to the PASS office.
PASS Course List
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PASS Course Descriptions
ENGLISH IA- a first semester freshman course focusing on myths, tales, and legends; the drama The Diary of Anne Frank; the novel The Old Man and The Sea; poetry and essays to develop skills in the areas of parts of speech and the mechanics of written English.
ENGLISH IB- a second semester freshman course expanding in the use of literature focusing on short stories; the drama A Raisin in the Sun; the novel The House on Mango Street; poetry and nonfiction. This course focuses on language development, the ability to use references and research skills.
ENGLISH IIA- a first semester sophomore course to develop and improve reading and writing skills through units in short stories; the drama The Miracle Worker, the novel The Pearl; poetry, and the reading of newspapers.
ENGLISH IIB- a second semester sophomore course to develop and improve reading and writing skills through units in short stories; the drama Antigone, the novel The Good Earth;poetry, and essays.
ENGLISH IIIA- a first semester junior course using literature as the vehicle to provide the student with expertise in reading and writing including short stories; the drama Our Town; the novel To Kill a Mockingbird; poetry and nonfiction.
ENGLISH IIIB- a second semester junior course using literature as the vehicle to provide the student with expertise in reading and writing including short stories; the drama The Death of a Salesman; the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; poetry and nonfiction.
ENGLISH IVA- a first semester senior course focusing on short stories of mystery, suspense and supernatural, teaching of the play Macbeth, reading of the novel Animal Farm, exercises involving post-secondary education and finding a job, and the writing of a research paper.
ENGLISH IVB- a second semester senior course focusing on short stories; teaching of the play Pygmalion, reading of the novel Lord of the Flies; poetry and nonfiction essays.
GENERAL MATH I- a course in basic skills: the numeration system, addition, subtraction, multiplication,division and their application in daily life situations and experiences.
GENERAL MATH II- a course to introduce and strengthen fundamental skills in fractions, decimals, percent, measurement, and metrics.
INTEGRATED MATH CONCEPTS- Suggested prerequisite: General Math I & II- This course is divided into ten modules. Each module teaches concepts and strategies that are essential for establishing a firm foundation in each content area like real numbers, sets, variables and axioms, properties, fractions, decimals, order of operations, equations, geometry, and properties of polygons.
BASIC ALGEBRA- Suggested prerequisite: General Math I & II - a course designed to prepare students in working with the language of algebra. This course serves as a bridge between General Math and Algebra. Calculator activities are provided to stimulate student interest and facilitate the introduction of math concepts.
ALGEBRA IA- a course developed to take the student step by step from a review of Basic Algebra skills to rational expressions and equations, polynomials and the use of rational numbers to solve real-life types of problems.
ALGEBRA IB- a course designed to develop the mathematical ability of the students in the area of graphs, square roots and quadratic equations by focusing on its implications in real-life situations.
ALGEBRA IIA- a course designed to develop the mathematical ability of the student in the area of graphs, linear equations, inequalities, functions, and inverses.
ALGEBRA IIB- a course designed to develop the mathematical ability of the student in the area of functions, graphs, quadratic relations, fundamentals of trigonometry, probability, and statistics.
GEOMETRY A- a course designed to develop the mathematical ability of the student in the areas of geometry and the undefined terms ; congruence; parallel, perpendicular, and angle theorems; perimeter, area and volume; and properties of common geometric shapes.
GEOMETRY B- a course designed to develop the mathematical ability of the student in the area of circles, angles, arcs, concurrent lines, similarities and proportions, logic, coordinate geometry, and motion geometry.
US/AZ HISTORY A- a semester course covering Reconstruction and Backlash, the Industrialization of the United States: 1876-1914, United States Expansion, Therodore Roosevelt to Woodrow Wilson: The Progressive Era, and Boom to Bust: World War I to the Great Depression.
US/AZ HISTORY B- a semester course covering the Great Depression through World War II, the Cold War: 1945-1960, The Sixties- A decade of Change and Upheaval, Year of Turmoil and Change: 1968-1988, and 1988- Present.
US/AZ GOVERNMENT- a basic government/ civics program specifically written and produced to encourage student involvement and interest including the birth of the American Democracy, the United States Constitution, Separation of Powers, Citizenship and Politics and Public policy.
ECONOMICS- a basic economic course covering the following subject areas: Basic Economic Problems and Principles in the Marketplace; Economic Systems, Market Types of Structures, Economic Indicators, Problem of Inflation And Unemployment, Labor and Business Organizations, International Trade, and Consumer Economics.
WORLD HISTORY A- a course designed to provide an understanding of the historical factors from past civilizations that developed our world today.
WORLD HISTORY B- a continuation of a course designed to provide an understanding of the historical factors from past civilizations that have shaped our world and also covers current global issues.
WORLD GEOGRAPHY A- This first semester of a two-semester course includes two units that serve as an introduction to the study of geography and the basic skills that are applied to investigation of the physical characteristics of the world. The remaining three units focus on the regions and countries of the Western Hemisphere and the role geography has played both historically and in the present.
WORLD GEOGRAPHY B- this second semester course includes the study of geography Europe, Africa, Middle East, East Asia and the South Pacific and South Asia.
GENERAL SCIENCE 1- a general science course covering physical science (chemistry, electricity, heat, fuel, motion, machines, and work), life science (the interdependency, development, and importance of plants and animals), and the steps involved in scientific methods and classifications. Each unit also includes a section on career education.
GENERAL SCIENCE 2- a general science course covering atmosphere and weather, space, oceans, rocks, minerals, fossils, mountains, weathering and erosion. Each unit also includes a section on career education.
GENERAL SCIENCE 3- a general science course covering how organisms interact with the environment and each other.
GENERAL SCIENCE 4- a general science course covering human effects on the environment, the consequences of population growth, and the effects of toxic wastes. Survival skills are also included.
BIOLOGY A- This course includes The Science called Biology, The Definition of Life, Chemistry of Life, The Cell, Life at the Cellular and Multicellular Levels.
BIOLOGY B- Second semester to Biology A this course includes, Reproduction, Genetics, Classification, Evolution and Ecology.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE A- This course includes the study of the Ecosystem structure, Ecosystem Functions, Natural Populations, Biomes, and Human Populations.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE B- Second semester to Environmental A, this course includes Energy, The Atmosphere, Water, Land and Past, Present and Future.
ART I- a first semester course developed for studying the elements of design: line, shape, form, color, value, texture and space.
ART II- a second semester course developed for studying the elements of design: line, shape, form, color, value, texture and space.
STUDY SKILLS- a course which includes learning styles, fundamentals, method of studies, vocabulary. critical thinking. Also contents test strategies and research techniques.
CREATIVE WRITING- This course focuses on a variety of writing style categories including short stories, novels, plays, poetry, and nonfiction essays.
PERSONAL FINANCE- Personal finance is a course about making decisions and solving problems. Every day the student makes decisions that affect their life. Studying math skills and money handling as they relate to the responsibilities faced by adults in the working world can help students analyze choices and improve their decision-making ability.
DRIVER’S EDUCATION- a course developed to help the student acquire knowledge that is essential in the safe operation of motor vehicles and to prepare the student for the actual driver’s examination. The course satisfies the State Driver Education requirement.
LEARNING ENGLISH THROUGH LITERATURE- a course developed that strengthens reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and producing skills, through the study of the newspaper, poetry, story genre and the novel. This course is intended for LEP students.
HEALTH- a course designed to help a student assess his/her own personal health and the health of other teens, review the health of the community, evaluate risks and practice reducing them, build skills to stay healthy, consider his/her relationships, create a personal health plan for today and the future.
CAREER CONNECTIONS- a practical course covering essential survival skills if the student is choosing to further their education or step into the workforce after High School.
PASS State Regulations
In order to maintain the academic integrity and educational effectiveness of the statewide P.A.S.S. Program, the following regulations are closely monitored and adhered to:
- Student enrollment in the P.A.S.S. Program is open to students who are:
- Enrolled in and attending a full time grade 9 – 12 high school program or are drop-out students who need four (4) or less credits to graduate.
- Credit deficient. This includes: Students who have failed or lost full credit in a course they were enrolled in; Former drop-out students returning to school having missed a semester or more; Students who are over age for their grade level.
- Not able to make up the credit deficiency in that school district prior to the normal graduation date of their class.
- Non deficient student wanting to advance in credits. Student will only be allowed to receive a maximum of two (2) credits
- Be able to read and write in English at a 7th grade level
- The priority for service of migrant students is as follows:
Priority |
Description |
1 |
2017/18 Senior lacking sufficient credits to graduate on schedule. |
2 |
Student is currently two or more years below grade level classification. |
3 |
2017/18 Junior lacking sufficient credits to graduate on schedule. |
4 |
2017/18 Sophomore lacking sufficient credits to graduate on schedule. |
5 |
2017/18 Freshman lacking sufficient credits to graduate on schedule. |
6 |
Any out of school migrant student needing four (4) or fewer credits to graduate. |
7 |
Any student wanting to advance up to two (2) credits. |
- Local school districts are required to identify a resident contact person to coordinate the program. The contact person must receive training provided by the Arizona Migrant P.A.S.S. Program staff and attend periodic meetings to review procedures and guidelines. The contact person is required to meet with the student regularly in order to monitor student progress and provide academic support.
- All requests for P.A.S.S. information must be referred to the State P.A.S.S. office. The State P.A.S.S. office is located at the Yuma Union High School District, 3150 S. Avenue A, Building 6, Yuma, AZ 85364, (928) 502-4667.
- Local school districts must order each student’s P.A.S.S. curriculum from the state P.A.S.S. office. No telephone orders will be accepted. Courses will not be given the same day. A completed enrollment form must be received, reviewed, and approved by the state P.A.S.S. office before a course will be shipped. PASS office will take 1 business day to complete orders. All courses are shipped via UPS directly to the local school district contact person. No courses are sent directly to the student.
- The P.A.S.S. curriculum materials are designated for use solely by students who are enrolled in the Arizona Migrant P.A.S.S. Program. Other use of these materials is prohibited. Student materials are not transferable from one student to another.
- Students will be given a minimum of (1) calendar week and a maximum of (1) calendar year from date student obtained course packet to complete course.
- The unit test will be administered only after the student has completed assigned unit package.
- All completed test and answer sheets must be returned to the state P.A.S.S. office for evaluation and scoring.
- All tests need to have the following; Student’s First and Last Name, Student ID#, Date, School Name and Contact Person.
- Handwriting needs to legible. No tests will be accepted if they are stained, messy, etc…
- PASS Office will not email or fax any tests.
- Tests should be returned to the PASS office as they are completed.
- The student’s final semester grade is based on the average of all units which comprise a P.A.S.S. course. A student is only allowed to retake 1 test once. The final semester grade must be a minimum of 60% in order to receive credit.
- A student who fails the course is eligible to re-enroll once in the course. Non-migrant students will be required to pay again. If Non-migrant student would like to just retake all 5 tests there is a fee of $25. No material will be given out.
- Cheating is prohibited. Plagiarism is a form of cheating. If it is determined that a student has cheated, the Program will issue the student an “F” failing grade on that test and will notify the student’s home school administration. Student will not be able to retake the test they cheated on.
- Students are limited to one (1) semester course at a time.
- If the student is not completing the work as schedule or is unable to complete a unit test successfully, the mentor should ask the student about the problems and consider necessary assistance.
- Has the student been encouraged to ask questions, to get needed help with new concepts?
- Does the student need help with time management and study skills?
- Is the student’s work schedule interfering with completion of PASS work?
- If the student had difficulty wit the unit test, did the mentor check the test as it was turned in to be sure that all blanks were completed?
- Are the student’s parents involved in his/her support?
Contact the YUHSD PASS Program
Natalia Villaneda
PASS Registrar
Hours: Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Phone: (928) 502-4664
Fax: (928) 502-4747
Email Contact