Facility Rental Information
YUHSD is proud of the facilities that students have access to for academic and extracurricular activities. Our schools have priority over community requests for facility use. YUHSD supports our students’ performances and activities, whether they are curriculum-related or extracurricular.
School performances and activities may occur during the school day or after-school hours. This allows for a well-rounded education for our students, including opportunities for performance and creativity.
It is the policy of the YUHSD Governing Board to make these outstanding school facilities available to students and community members or organizations, providing that requested building use does not interfere with YUHSD’s operations. YUHSD strives to provide a safe and well-rounded education for students and their related activities. This further helps us fulfill our mission of having EVERY student graduate college, career and community prepared.
Facilities are available to the community in accordance with Governing Board Policy Regulation KF-RC. If interested in renting a facility, please contact the YUHSD Facilities Office.
The Governing Board will establish fees for the use of facilities. All groups or individuals requesting the use of school facilities do so with the understanding that they will make themselves knowledgeable about and aware of all applicable board policies and procedures and that they will abide by them. Failure to do so may result in the immediate termination of the use of the school facility as well as denial of future requests.
Facility rental rates are determined by the classification of the renter. Please see the rental class structure document for further information on classification.
- Rental Class Structure
- Facilities Rental Fee Table (Effective Beginning July 1, 2024)
- Facility Usage Request Form (May be turned in starting August 15, 2024)
Priorities For Use of School Facilities
- Approved curriculum and student extracurricular activities.
- Parent or other school-related activities.
- District 70 community and non-profit groups.
- District 70 for-profit businesses, etc. and related activities.
The Governing Board recognizes the importance of utilizing its facilities as community centers throughout the district. The Governing Board may consider such use so long as it does not interfere with student education or student-related activities.Final authority for use of facilities, or continued use of facilities, rests with the Governing Board. The Governing Board or the Superintendent may revoke any such use, without liability, if they feel it is necessary or desirable. The Governing Board and the Superintendent reserve the right, without liability, to pre-empt any scheduled activity or event at any time that a student-related activity or event requires the use of the school facility.
Rental Request Procedure
- Rental requests for the 2024-25 school year will open August 15, 2024.
- The form must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event date.
- You will need to access the YUHSD Facility Usage Request Form. Indicating a first and second choice of location and/or date, if possible, increases your chance of approval. It is very important that the information provided on the form is as complete as possible.
- Return the request form as well as proof of liability insurance via email, postal mail, or fax it to the Facilities Office at (928) 502-4733. If the event is far in the future, you may provide proof of insurance at a later date, but it must be in place before the event.
- The Facilities Office will submit the request to the school(s) for approval. This may take up to two weeks as it goes through the necessary course of action.
- Once the school approves or denies the request, someone from our office will contact you to sign the contract and submit payment. We must receive payment in full for all rentals no later than two weeks before the event start date.
Facilities Office
3150 S. Avenue A, Suite A
Yuma, AZ 85364
Ph: (928) 502-4635
Fx: (928) 502-4733
Email: facilityrental@yumaunion.org